Art in Hamburg's Freespaces
A joint project of the
105/VIERTEL gGmbH and Nights Glow Dark
105/VIERTEL gGmbH and Nights Glow Dark
Curated and organized by
Philipp stengelin
Philipp stengelin
Art in Hamburg's free spaces
Art in Hamburg's free spaces
Created in the community,
made for the community,
continued by the community.
made for the community,
continued by the community.
With this wonderful motto we could , thanks to the support of the 105/VIERTEL , implement a new exciting project at the Alte Wall 20 - 22.
Two artworks of the artists Maens and Hülpman were waiting for you. You could start at the Alte Wall in the pedestrian zone and cross the Adolphsbrücke along the Fleet to discover the second artwork.
Anna Bartling interpreted both artworks and wrote and recorded a touching poetry piece.
Anna Bartling interpreted both artworks and wrote and recorded a touching poetry piece.
Gemeinschaft a Poetry Piece by Anna Bartling (German Only)